Sponsor grid
A component which is used to display a grid of images or logos For example you can showcase different sponsors or partners. The sponsor grid has its own component in the CMS (images/video - sponsor grid) and can be placed on any page and between any other components. Example of usage Highlight sponsor or partners and link each button to their own webpage or a subpage of your choice. How to create a sponsor grid Enable the component on a subpage of your choice in the CMS. Press *Few readersAnnouncement banner
A component which is used to display a banner where you can add text, images and buttons. The banner has its own component in the CMS (images/video - announcement banner) and can be placed anywhere on the page. Example of usage: Display different items, such as logos and text to highlight your sponsors/partners or any other information. Example: Header banner with content in all three sections (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/acbaf8a9e186c000/skarmavbild-2024-05-Few readersImage banner
A component which is used to display a single image as a sponsor banner on the page. The image can we linked to an subpage of your platform or an external website. The banner has its own component in the CMS (images/video - image banner) and can be placed on any page and between any other components. Example of usage: Can be used to display a banner for a sponsor or an event. Example: Image banner in between content rows (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/acbaf8a9Few readers