Schedule Livestream
Go to content - livestreams - schedule a new livestream. Follow the steps to schedule the livestream. Step 1 Livestream name and description Here you set the broadcast name and description for your livestream. The description could be a short explanation abSome readersLivechat
The livechat is a great way to interact with your viewers, and to let your viewers interact with each other. Enable livechat In order to enable the livechat for your livestream, go to "Content - Livestreams". On the broadcasts page, click on the livestream you want to enable the livechat for. Under "Edit", scroll down and enable livechat and press save. The livechat is now available. (htSome readersEdit Livestream
You can edit a livestream at any time after it has been added to the dashboard. Simply navigate to the "content - livestream" tab and click on the listed livestream that you want to edit. 2. Edit When you enter the livestream, you will first see a "stream health" section. Below that, you will find a menu where you can view statistics, edit the livestream, and access a tab wherFew readersArchived Livestreams
To view your archived livestreams, go to the “content” section in dashboard and click on "livestreams". From there, select the "archive" button, which will display a list of all your archived livestreams. You can choose the one you want to bring back or view information and statistics about it. ( readers