Articles on: Dashboard - Content

Upload video

Upload and manage your videos in content - videos in dashboard. Here you will see all your uploaded videos and replays.

Step 1 - Video set up

Name + description

Here you set the name and description for your video. The description could be a short explanation about the content and what the viewers can expect to see.

The * indicates the default languages of the platform and is mandatory.

Set name and description


Select what channel the video should be included to.
Select channel

Add video file and thumbnail

Upload your video file (mp4, mov) and upload a thumbnail that will be displayed with the video (jpg, png).
Add videofile and thumbnail

Step 2 - Pricing and availability

Select how your viewers should have access to the content

Depending on the option you choose here you will get additional settings to add.

PPV, subscriptions & packages

Access the video either by one-time pay-per-view fee or through a subscription or package
Select the default price
If you use dynamic pricing on the platform, you can select the different prices for different groups.
Add price

Select which package the video should be included in
If the channel where you upload your video is included in your subscription, the video will be added by default.
Package & subscription

Only subscription & packages

Select which package the video should be included in
If the channel where you upload your video is included in your subscription, the video will be added by default.


If you set the video to be out for free you will get the option to select if your viewers need to login to watch the stream. Then you will get your viewers email addresses and will be able to communicate to them afterwards.
Require login

PPV & Reduced price for subscribers

Your subscribers get a discounted access to the video, while non-subscribers pay full price.
Select the default price
If you use dynamic pricing on the platform, you can select the different prices for different groups.
Select exclusive offer
Read more about exclusive offers
Exclusive offer = reduced price for subscribers

Geo restriction

To the right you can add a geo-restriction to the livestream.
Read more about geo restriction
Add geo restriction

Private stream

If you don't want the livestream to be visible on the platform you can set it as private.
Private stream

Step 3 - Options & preferences

All these settings are optional.
Add any categories or tags to the video.
Advertising: Add a campaign clip, pre-roll, to the video.
Read more about campaigns

Publish date

It is possible to set a publication date for the video, which means that you can set a specific time when the video will be available for viewing. If left blank, the video is published immediately.
Check the "visible before publish date" if you want to show that the video is upcoming on the platform.

Publish date

Save video clip

When all settings are done, press create to upload your video. In the next step, you will get an indicator while your video is uploading. Do not leave the page before the video is fully uploaded.

Depending on the length of the clip, the video may end up in the queue under content - videos which means that the video is being prepared in the background. As soon as it is ready - it will be available on the platform.

Edit video

After uploading, you have the option to edit any video clip. Click on the video and select edit. Fill in your changes and press save.

Updated on: 29/11/2024

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