The "Team" tab is located in the "People" section in the menu to the left in dashboard. "Team" is an overview of your personal team of the platform, it could be people that will help you in dashboard for example an administrator or a producer but it could also be people that you would like to invite to be able to watch your content for free on your platform.
When someone gets invited they will receive an email with the invitation they need to accept.
Go to "people - team".
Press the button "invite user".
Enter the email of the person you would like to invite (they will get an email with the invitation which they need to accept to get access).
Set what access level the person should have.
Platform: Gives access to all content on the whole platform. All collections and all channels.
Collection: Gives access to all content in all channels connected to that collection.
Channel: Gives access to all content in that channel.
Add the access you would like the user to have. If you click on an access you can read more about what the access includes.
Here you can read about all accesses
The access for "watch content", "watch and download" and "watch and download video" will only give the user access to the platform, not dashboard. They need to accept the invitation, and then create an account/login to the platform to be able to get access to the content.
When invited the user will receive an email where they can accept the invitation and create an account in either the dashboard or the platform.
The invited user will be listed in the Teams tab where you can search for an email adress or filter on different access levels or accesses.
If an email adress is marked as orange in the list with "invited" infront of the email, the user is an new member and don't have an account on a Staylive platform. A gray email means that they already have an account. But ALL users still need to accept their invitation by email.
Press the icon to the right in the row for the user. Then you will get a pop up with the possibility to delete the access or add another access to the user.

When someone gets invited they will receive an email with the invitation they need to accept.
1. Invite a member to your team
Go to "people - team".
Press the button "invite user".
Enter the email of the person you would like to invite (they will get an email with the invitation which they need to accept to get access).
2. Access level:
Set what access level the person should have.
Platform: Gives access to all content on the whole platform. All collections and all channels.
Collection: Gives access to all content in all channels connected to that collection.
Channel: Gives access to all content in that channel.
3. Select which collection/channel
4. Select access
Add the access you would like the user to have. If you click on an access you can read more about what the access includes.
Here you can read about all accesses
The access for "watch content", "watch and download" and "watch and download video" will only give the user access to the platform, not dashboard. They need to accept the invitation, and then create an account/login to the platform to be able to get access to the content.
5. Press invite
When invited the user will receive an email where they can accept the invitation and create an account in either the dashboard or the platform.
6. List of team members
The invited user will be listed in the Teams tab where you can search for an email adress or filter on different access levels or accesses.
If an email adress is marked as orange in the list with "invited" infront of the email, the user is an new member and don't have an account on a Staylive platform. A gray email means that they already have an account. But ALL users still need to accept their invitation by email.
7. Add new access/remove access to a user
Press the icon to the right in the row for the user. Then you will get a pop up with the possibility to delete the access or add another access to the user.

Updated on: 27/10/2023
Thank you!