Streaming details
To start a stream, access the streaming details in dashboard by “content - livestreams”.
Click on the livestream you want to start streaming.

The stream will automatically start the time you set when creating the livestream. You will see a countdown on top of the screen (the same countdown is displayed on the stream on the platform).

These details are the details the production company is adding in their settings to the livestream. Each livestream has its unique stream-id.
This stream-id can be change to a live source. By acting as a constant stream ID for your broadcasts, a live source allows you to use the same stream ID for all of your broadcasts, as long as the broadcasts don't overlap. Live sources can be a useful tool, especially in tournaments where several different matches are broadcasted in one day.
Create live sources under “content - live source” and then add it to your livestream.

When the livestream has an incoming signal you can monitor the health of the livestream in a graph.

Beneath the streaming details you can press the arrow to see our recommended settings.

If there would be any problems with the stream you could add a message for your viewers. This message is displayed under the title of the livestream on the platform.
Choose a default message or type your own message.

If the event has ended before the end time on the stream you can stop the stream manually. The livestream will stop and disappear from the platform and become a replay.

Here you can see a preview of your stream.

Click on the livestream you want to start streaming.

The stream will automatically start the time you set when creating the livestream. You will see a countdown on top of the screen (the same countdown is displayed on the stream on the platform).

1. Streaming details
These details are the details the production company is adding in their settings to the livestream. Each livestream has its unique stream-id.
This stream-id can be change to a live source. By acting as a constant stream ID for your broadcasts, a live source allows you to use the same stream ID for all of your broadcasts, as long as the broadcasts don't overlap. Live sources can be a useful tool, especially in tournaments where several different matches are broadcasted in one day.
Create live sources under “content - live source” and then add it to your livestream.

2. Stream health
When the livestream has an incoming signal you can monitor the health of the livestream in a graph.

3. Recommended streaming settings
Beneath the streaming details you can press the arrow to see our recommended settings.

4. Interruption
If there would be any problems with the stream you could add a message for your viewers. This message is displayed under the title of the livestream on the platform.
Choose a default message or type your own message.

5. Stop stream
If the event has ended before the end time on the stream you can stop the stream manually. The livestream will stop and disappear from the platform and become a replay.

6. Preview
Here you can see a preview of your stream.

Updated on: 06/03/2024
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