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Schedule Livestream

Do you want to create a new livestream using the old format? Click here: Schedule Livestream-Old form

Go to content - livestreams - schedule a new livestream.
Follow the steps to schedule the livestream.

Step 1

Livestream name and description

Here you set the broadcast name and description for your livestream. The description could be a short explanation about the content and what the viewers can expect to see.

The * indicates the default languages of the platform and is mandatory.
Add a name to the livestream


Set the date and time for the livestream
Set the start time.
Set the end time manually or use the slider to set a duration of your stream. This will automatically change the end time to be in line with the duration.

We recommend setting the start time 10 minutes before the actual start to allow viewers to join the live stream and to ensure that everything runs smoothly. Additionally, we recommend adding about one extra hour to the end time if there will be any delays. The end time won't be visible for your viewers.

Max duration for a livestream: Our recommendation is 24 hours. Every 12 hours the livestream will be cut into a replay. If you don't want long replay videos, divide the stream into multiple streams, for example morning and afternoon streams.

Schedule the date for the livestream

Change time zone

If you are located in a different time zone than the livestream should be scheduled in you are able to change the time zone for the individual stream.
Select the start date of the stream in its local timezone.
Press change time zone and select the time zone in the dropdown.
Set the start and end time of the stream.

You will always see the scheduled stream in YOUR local time zone. Both in the livestream overview and on the platform.

Change timezone


Select what channel the livestream should be included to.

Input Source

Live source
A live source replaces the unique stream ID that is created when you create a broadcast. By acting as a constant stream ID for your broadcasts, a live source allows you to use the same stream ID for all of your broadcasts, as long as the broadcasts don't overlap. Live sources can be a useful tool, especially in tournaments where several different matches are broadcasted in one day.

Read more about live source.

AI Camera
This section is only if you have an AI camera integration connected to the platform.


Add a thumbnail to preview your livestream. Upload a JPEG, JPG, or PNG file from your device and attach it to your livestream. Your viewers will see the thumbnail on your platform.

You can also generate a thumbnail specified for sport events. Upload a background image together with home team and away team images.

Add a thumbnail

Step 2

Pricing & Availability

Select how your viewers should have access to the content

Depending on the option you choose here you will get additional settings to add.

PPV, subscriptions & packages

Access the livestream either by one-time pay-per-view fee or through a subscription or package
Select the default price
If you use dynamic pricing on the platform, you can select the different prices for different groups.
Add price

Select which package the stream should be included in
If the channel where you upload your livestream is included in your subscription, the livestream will be added by default.

Package & Subscription

Only subscription & packages

Select which package the stream should be included in
If the channel where you upload your livestream is included in your subscription, the livestream will be added by default.


If you set the stream to be out for free you will get the option to select if your viewers need to login to watch the stream. Then you will get your viewers email addresses and will be able to communicate to them afterwards.
Require login

PPV & Reduced price for subscribers

Your subscribers get a discounted access to the livestream, while non-subscribers pay full price.
Select the default price
If you use dynamic pricing on the platform, you can select the different prices for different groups.
Select exclusive offer

Read more about exclusive offer

Exclusive offer = reduced price for subscribers

Geo restriction

To the right you can add a geo-restriction to the livestream.
Read more about geo restriction

Add geo restriction

Private stream

If you don't want the livestream to be visible on the platform you can set it as private.
Private stream

Step 3

Options & preferences

Add if your livestreams should be have in any categories or tags.
Notes: Please add your contact information so that Staylives support team can reach out to you in case of any problems with the livestream.
Advertisement: Add a campaign to the livestream. Read more about campaigns.

All these settings are optional.
Options & preferences

Step 4

Replay information

By default, every livestream will become a replay once the livestream has ended.

You can adjust the settings for the replay by adding a new title, description, or price or add it to a category. Other settings will inherit the original livestream settings.

Create livestream

Once your livestream has been created you will get a confirmation and see it listed in content - livestreams.

Updated on: 25/03/2024

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