Articles on: Dashboard - Products

Product display groups

A product display group contains products that you want to display together on your platform such as subscriptions, package or gift cards. You are able to create several product display groups if you would like to show different products on different pages.

A product display group can be managed by platform owners.

An example of a product display group with subscription and gift cards.

A product display group is created in products - product display groups

Create product display groups

Press create new product display group.
Set a name
Set a description. This is not shown publicly on the platform.
Select product(s) you want to include in your product display group and then
Press create

Edit an existing product display group

Click on the existing one you want to update and make your changes. You are able to change name, description and what products that is included.

You are also able to delete the product display group in the editor.

Updated on: 05/12/2023

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