Articles on: Marketing & communication

Marketing integrations

Getting started with Marketing Integrations

This feature allows for seamless integration of popular marketing tools such as Google Analytics (Gtag.js), Google Tag Manager, Facebook Pixel, and site verification through HTML tags for both Facebook and Google, complementing our built-in website analytics supported by Plausible.

Whether you're looking to dive deeper into traffic analysis, refine your ad targeting, or boost your search engine optimization, Marketing Integrations offers a streamlined way to connect and utilize these advanced tools alongside our existing analytics.

What integrations do we support?

We currently support the following marketing integrations:

- Google Analytics

- Google Tag Manager

- Facebook Pixel

How do I get started?

Read the documentation on how you get the ID of the integration you are trying to connect.


Google Analytics

Getting started

Fetch your Google tag ID (Follow the first CMS step) and enter your ID into the Google Analytics input (It'll be prefixed by G-)

Google Tag Manager

Getting started

Fetch your GTM-ID in the top right (It'll be prefixed by GTM- )

Facebook Pixel

Getting started

Fetch your Facebook pixel metaTag from Facebook. (It's going to be a long string of characters)


What events are we sending, and when are we sending them?


User started checking out

Event data:
- type
- item

- id
- isLoggedIn
- isInternal


User finished checking out, now sees "Done"-screen

Event data:
- checkoutStep

- id
- isLoggedIn
- isInternal


User progressed a step in the checkout process

Event data:
- checkoutStep

- id
- isLoggedIn
- isInternal


Loaded a video/livestream page

Event data:
- contentData
- id
- title
- type (live/clip)


User started a subscription

Event data:
- userData
- id
- segment ("new user")
- subscription (the name of subscription)
- isLoggedIn
- isInternal

- subscriptionData
- id
- name

Updated on: 14/12/2023

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