Articles on: Analytics

Making sense of the analytics

There's a vast amount of analytical data that we provide to you in various parts of the dashboard, and all this data can be analysed in many different ways. Each platform has its own unique content and structure that will have an effect on this - for example, the type of analysis that may be relevant for a sports league can be very different to the type of analysis that is relevant for an educational platform.

Rather than going into specifics, this guide aims to help you understand some of the ways in which you can interpret the data and use it for asking yourself questions and making strategic decisions.

Cancellation reasons:

Data available at Analytics > Cancellation reasons .

Identify if there is a frequent reason why people are cancelling their subscriptions.

Is this something that you can solve to avoid people cancelling for this reason?

Number of views for different channels/teams/content:

Data available at Analytics > Content Performance , then click Details under the Top Content heading to view all the livestreams/videos sorted by number of views.

Look at which livestreams/videos on your platform are the most popular and the least popular.

Is there a correlation between the level of promo done for certain livestreams/videos, compared to their number of views? Is there any trend in certain channels/content becoming more/less popular over time, that could affect how your prioritize different types of content?

For sports leagues: Maybe there is a team that you know has a large fan base, but the views for this team's matches are low, therefore there is potential to attract more fans from this team?

Top sources in website data:

Data available at Analytics > Website data , then view the Top Sources section.

Look at whether most of the users on your platform are arriving from social media, from your primary website, from Google search, from other websites etc. (note: "Direct / None" refers to customers who either type the URL directly into their browser, or access it via a bookmark)

Perhaps you have a large following on Instagram, but not many fans arrive on your platform from Instagram. Is there potential for you to include more direct links in your Instagram stories/Instagram bio, so that it's easy for fans to navigate to your platform?

For sports leagues: Perhaps there are a low number of fans arriving on your platform from the websites of each club in your league. Can you request/demand to clubs that they include a clickable button/banner on their website that links to your platform?

Top countries by views:

Data available at Analytics > Content Performance , then view the Top Countries section.

Look at which countries represent a high proportion of your audience, and which countries have a low number of viewers.

Is there any country high up the list that you didn't expect to be there, and maybe there's potential to attract more customers from this country? Is there any country low down the list, but you know that you have fans in that country (perhaps from your social media demographics) and there's potential to attract these fans to your platform?

For sports leagues: Perhaps there are athletes of foreign nationalities participating in your league, and there's an opportunity to attract fans from their countries by doing specific promo/marketing with these players?

Exit rates of pages:

Data available at Analytics > Website data , then click the Advanced button, then click Exit Pages , then click Details .

The exit rate for each page tells you what percentage of people who navigated to that page and then exited the platform from that page, rather than navigating to another page on the platform.

Look at which pages have a high exit rate and which have a low exit rate. It's normal for livestreams and video content to have high exit rates, as people will often watch the content and then exit the platform from that page, but if other pages (e.g. your homepage or event landing pages) have high exit rates, that may be a cause for concern.

Perhaps creating more interesting thumbnails for your livestreams/video content can encourage customers to click on them to watch? Perhaps you can re-arrange the layout of content on your homepage to make it easier for customers to find the most relevant content?

Updated on: 04/11/2024

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