Articles on: Streaming

About live sources

A live source works as a constant StreamID when broadcasting on your device and replaces the unique StreamID. A live source allows you to use the same stream ID for all of your livestreams, as long as the livestreams don't overlap.

A live source can be restricted to one channel or available for all channels on the platform. You decide this when you create the live source in dashboard.

Channel restricted: The live source is added exclusively to a channel and can only be used for streams uploaded to the same channel.
Global: The live source can be used to all of the streams, regardless what channel you choose the add the livestream to.

How to use live sources:
If you stream from the same arena/location/camera, you can create a live source instead of the unique streamID. Meaning that you don't have to change the unique streamID for every stream in your camera settings.
A live source can also be used for tournaments, where there are several different games broadcasted in one day.

When broadcasting to an event, you send to a RTMP address.
Staylives RTMP-URL: rtmp:// + stream-ID.

Create a live source

Go to "content - live sources". Here you will get an overview of your live sources.
Press "create new live source". Set a name and select if you would like to create a restricted or global live source. Press add.
If you choose a channel restricted live source you select which channel it should be added to.

Learn more about creating live sources here.

Visit Schedule Livestream to add the Live Source to your upcoming livestream.

Updated on: 06/03/2024

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