Articles on: Dashboard - Structure

How to structure your platform

The structure of the platform is divided into collections, channels, categories and tags. This is the hierarchy in how you are able to sort and divide the content on the platform in different content rows.

The key is to understand how you can divide your content into the structure. Based on the content on the platform, the structure may differ in how you should work with collections, channels, categories and tags.


A collection is the highest in the structure hierarchy. A collection includes one or multiple channels and is used to divide your content in a content row and filter/show livestreams or videos that are uploaded to the included channels.

One collection is created by default when creating a new platform, but you are able to create multiple collections. Depending on the amount of content the platform contain you can use the collections to divide your content into different leagues, topics or courses for example.

Collections are managed and edited in content - collections.


A channel is used for uploading livestreams or videos to. One channel is created by default when creating a new platform and it needs to be included in a collection.

In a content row you are able to sort on a specific channel if you would like to show specific content. A channel can be used for example as a club channel, a program channel or smaller topics.

Channels are managed and edited in content - channels.


Categories are used to separate specific livestreams or videos in a channel. Categories could be for example: highlights, interviews, summary. A category is added to a specific channel. You are not able to have the same category to multiple channels.

Categories are optional.

Categories are managed and edited in content - categories.


Tags are the smallest component in the structure hierarchy. Tags are not searchable and you can not get a list of the created tags on the platform. Use tags if you would like to highlights specific livestreams or videos and sort them separately in a content row. For example: free clips, our top 5 favorites, players, age group, participants.

Tags are added to each livestream or video manually in dashboard. You can create a content row sorting on a tag. Tags are not channel specific and can be chosen from multiple channels.

Tags are optional.

Our recommendations on how to set up a structure on the platform:

You are able to set up the structure that suits your content the best. One tip is to try to reflect on future content on the platform and think bigger by breaking the content down rather than restructuring it later.

1. Club TV Platform

A platform where you would like to show content from one specific sports club.

Collection: Club TV (the whole platform)
Channel: Elite Men, Elite Women, Youth
Categories: Highlights, Interviews, Top goals
Tags: Players, division, tournament

2. Sports platform with multiple leagues

Collection: One collection for each league
Channels: One channel for each club, you could divide them into two channels, one for women and one for men.
Categories: Highlights, Interviews
Tags: A division, age group, tournament

3. Platform with different shows/program

Collection: One collection for each topic/group of shows
Channel: One channel for each show/program
Categories: Year
Tags: Hosts, people that are attending the show, a smaller subject

Read more about how to create:


Updated on: 28/12/2023

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