Articles on: Newsfeed

How to create a newsfeed article

How to create a new newsfeed article

Navigate to the newsfeed.

Go to content - newsfeed
Click on the newsfeed you would like to add an article to.
Click on "Create new article" at the top right.

Click on "Create new article" at the top right.

Create the article

A form will be shown where you will be able to write your article and set its settings. The fields are:

Cover image: An image which will be displayed on your platform as a cover image for the article (recommended).
Headline: The headline/title for your article.
Lead: This is the lead of your article. This will always be shown to your readers, and should give the readers the most important information in a clear, concise and interesting manner.
Body: The body of your article is what is locked if you choose to lock the article behind a subscription(s) and/or package(s). This field allows you to insert images, videos, and to format the text. For example, you can highlight a part of the text, and set it to bold.
Published: If you check this option, the article will be published onto your newsfeed and available to your visitors. If not, the article will stay as a draft, and no users will be able to access anything from this article.
Publish date: By using a publish date, you have the option to publish the article at a specific time. This still requires the option "Published" to be checked, and has no effect if "Published" is not checked.
Mode: Mode can be one of "Free", "Subscribers only", and "Free until specific date". If set to "Free until specific date", you need to set until what date you want the article to be free for your visitors. Read more about all Modes in Packaging.

You can highlight text and format it.

Insert an image in the article body

If you would like to attach an image in the body of your article, you click the "add image" below the body input field. There, you have the option to upload or choose an already uploaded image to insert. Click "add asset" to insert the selected image. Once inserted, you have the option to add a caption, align or to resize the image by dragging its corners to resize.

You can add images to the article body, and modify them to fit into your article

Save your article

Once you are done, click on "create article" to save the article and all of its preferences.

Updated on: 27/03/2024

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