Edit Livestream
You can edit a livestream at any time after it has been added to the dashboard. Simply navigate to the "content - livestream" tab and click on the listed livestream that you want to edit.

When you enter the livestream, you will first see a "stream health" section. Below that, you will find a menu where you can view statistics, edit the livestream, and access a tab where you can edit the replay settings.
Click on the “edit” button.
You are now able to change both the broadcast name and description of the livestream, such as adding another price and publishing it in a different channel. Additionally, you can upload a new thumbnail for the livestream.
You can always change the time for a livestream. Before the livestream has started, you can change both the start and end date/time.
Even when the livestream has begun, you are able to move the end time forward if needed, for example, if there have been any delays.

Once the livestream has finished, but is still streaming because you have not yet reached the end time, you can click the “stop stream” button. This will end the livestream and archive it, creating a replay.
Max duration for a livestream: 24 hours. Every 12 hours the livestream will be cut into a replay. If you don't want long replay videos, divide the stream into multiple streams, for example morning and afternoon streams.
When the livestream has ended it will move to the “Archived section”. If you still want to stream to it (in case of additional time etc), you can go into “Archive” and add more time to the stream. Then it will turn into an active livestream again.
Archived Livestreams

You can change the current settings for the livestream in the tabs "pricing & availability", "options & preferences" and "replay information". You also have the option to change the live source and geo restriction for the livestream.
Once you have finished making your changes, simply press “save” and your changes will be added immediately.
If the livestream has ended, you will find the livestream in the archive tab. It is completely fine to update the end date of the livestream, in order to set it live again, if you missed the end date and would like to bring it back again.
Archived livestreams
Once you are done with your changes, press save and the changes will go live.

2. Edit
When you enter the livestream, you will first see a "stream health" section. Below that, you will find a menu where you can view statistics, edit the livestream, and access a tab where you can edit the replay settings.
Click on the “edit” button.
You are now able to change both the broadcast name and description of the livestream, such as adding another price and publishing it in a different channel. Additionally, you can upload a new thumbnail for the livestream.
3. Add more time to the livestream
You can always change the time for a livestream. Before the livestream has started, you can change both the start and end date/time.
Even when the livestream has begun, you are able to move the end time forward if needed, for example, if there have been any delays.

Once the livestream has finished, but is still streaming because you have not yet reached the end time, you can click the “stop stream” button. This will end the livestream and archive it, creating a replay.
Max duration for a livestream: 24 hours. Every 12 hours the livestream will be cut into a replay. If you don't want long replay videos, divide the stream into multiple streams, for example morning and afternoon streams.
When the livestream has ended it will move to the “Archived section”. If you still want to stream to it (in case of additional time etc), you can go into “Archive” and add more time to the stream. Then it will turn into an active livestream again.
Archived Livestreams

4. Optional settings
You can change the current settings for the livestream in the tabs "pricing & availability", "options & preferences" and "replay information". You also have the option to change the live source and geo restriction for the livestream.
Once you have finished making your changes, simply press “save” and your changes will be added immediately.
If the livestream has ended, you will find the livestream in the archive tab. It is completely fine to update the end date of the livestream, in order to set it live again, if you missed the end date and would like to bring it back again.
Archived livestreams
Once you are done with your changes, press save and the changes will go live.
Updated on: 29/11/2024
Thank you!