Articles on: Users

Dashboard accesses

Here you can read more about the different dashboard accesses you can add to a user in the tab People - Team.

Owner: A platform administrator has access to all the features in the platform.
They can manage users, create and edit content, and manage the platform

Administrator: A platform administrator, just like owners, has access to all
the features in the platform. They can manage users, create and edit content,
and manage the platform settings. The only thing they cannot do is remove
owners from the platform.

Regular user: A regular user has access to all the features in the platform,
except for user management and platform settings. They can create and edit
content, but they cannot manage users or change platform settings.

Producer: A producer can create and edit content, but they cannot manage
users or change platform settings or see any analytics on the platform. A
producer does not have access to create new channels or collections, or
modify existing ones.

Statistician: A statistician do have access to the Dashboard, and can see all
of the analytics in your platform. They do not have access to create content,
or manage users.

Watch & Download: A watch and download user can watch and download
videos on your platform, and also have access to watch livestreams. These
users do not have access to any other features on the platform, and can not
sign in to the Dashboard.

Watch content: A user with this access level can watch all of the content on
your platform, but does not have access to download functionality. These
users do not have access to any other features on the platform, and can not
sign in to the Dashboard.

Watch & download video: A video watch and download user can watch and
download videos on your platform, but not livestreams. These users do not
have access to any other features on the platform, and can not sign in to the

Newsfeed access: A newsfeed access user can view, create and update the
newsfeed on your platform. These users does not have access to any other
features in the Dashboard, but they do have access to watch the content on
the platform

Updated on: 13/09/2023

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