Articles on: Dashboard - Structure

Create collections

Collections are used to group channels together and can be used in a content row to display all content from the included channels. A collection could be for example a league a show or a larger topic.

Read more about how to structure the platform here.

When a platform is created one collection is added by default. You can manage your collections in "content - collections".

1. Overview of the collection

Here you see your collections and how many channels included. Click on the collection name to edit the name or add/remove included channels.

2. Create a new collection

Press "create a new collection" and fill in the fields.

Name: Set a name to the collection. Mandatory.
Description: Add description of what is included in the collection.
Channel: Select the channels that should be included in the collection. It could be one or multiple.
Internal notes: Add internal notes about the collection.

Press create collection.

Updated on: 28/12/2023

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