Articles on: Dashboard - Structure

Create Categories

Add categories to a channel to organize its content on a platform. You can have both livestream and video categories.

You can manage and create these categories in the “Content - Categories” section of the dashboard.

Read more about how to structure the content of the platform here.

Create a category

1. Select type of category

Decide if you would like to create a category for livestreams or videos.

2. Select channel

A category needs to be added to a channel, which means that this category will only appear on the content that is uploaded to the channel it is added to.

3. Name the category

Set a name for your category.

Edit a category

Each categories that have been created on the platform can be edited by pressing the three dots next to the name.

You can also remove the category, this don’t remove the videos/livestream that are added to the category.

Updated on: 28/12/2023

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