Create a package
A package is used as a purchase option with having multiple livestreams or videos for sale at a package price.
Create and manage your packages in “Products - packages” in dashboard.
Select a channel to publish your package to.
This is only for structure. You can still choose to include all your content on the platform to the package.

Add a name for the package and a clear description of what the viewers will be able to buy and what is included in the package.

Set a price for the package

Select a product display to your package to make it visible on the subscribe-page on the platform.

You have the option to add a display condition to your package. If you want to be visible for only subscribers for example.
You create a display condition in dashboard, “Platform - manage website - display conditions”. You need to be a platform owner or administrator to have access to this feature.

You can set a validity for how many days the package would be available for the buyer until they have to buy it again to get access to the content.

Set the package for sale for it to be able to be bought.

Add what livestreams or videos that should be included in the package and what the buyers will get access to.

In the top right corner you save the package. And also have the possibility to delete it. If a package is deleted the buyers will no longer have access to the content.

Create and manage your packages in “Products - packages” in dashboard.
1. Create package
Select a channel to publish your package to.
This is only for structure. You can still choose to include all your content on the platform to the package.

2. Add a name + description
Add a name for the package and a clear description of what the viewers will be able to buy and what is included in the package.

3. Price
Set a price for the package

4. Select a product display
Select a product display to your package to make it visible on the subscribe-page on the platform.

5. Display conditions
You have the option to add a display condition to your package. If you want to be visible for only subscribers for example.
You create a display condition in dashboard, “Platform - manage website - display conditions”. You need to be a platform owner or administrator to have access to this feature.

6. Validity
You can set a validity for how many days the package would be available for the buyer until they have to buy it again to get access to the content.

7. For sale
Set the package for sale for it to be able to be bought.

8. Add the content
Add what livestreams or videos that should be included in the package and what the buyers will get access to.

9. Save package
In the top right corner you save the package. And also have the possibility to delete it. If a package is deleted the buyers will no longer have access to the content.

Updated on: 01/03/2024
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