Articles on: Dashboard - Products

Create a Gift Card

Manage gift cards in products - gift cards. Here you see the gift cards added to the platform.

Gift cards can be managed by platform owners.

Display gift cards on the platform

Option 1

Display your gift card together with your existing subscriptions and packages by adding it to the same product display group.

Option 2

Display the gift card in a separate product display group, for example if you would like to have it on another page of the platform. Create a new product display group (product - product display group) and add the gift card to that new product display group.

In the CMS, your products are displayed in the component "product display".
Read more about product display groups.

Create redeem page

The first time you create a gift card on the platform you need to create a redeem page. The redeem page contains a component to be able to redeem a gift card on the platform.

Press generate and a page will be added automatically to the platform. This is creating a new subpage (/redeem) in the CMS, platform - manage platform.

Redeem box

Display the redeem page

The redeem page (/redeem) can be displayed as a link in the header or as a button on the page.

Go to platform - manage platform
Select any subpage. Click on header - platform menu. The header is displayed the same throughout the platform.
In the links section you can edit current links and add more links. Scroll down, and press add new link. Set a name to the link and the url to /redeem.

Go to platform - manage platform
Choose the subpage where you want to display the button.
Press add new section. In the other tab, select promote section. Press add.
Click on the promote section in the list to the left and edit it. In button text you set the name of the button and in button link you enter /redeem.

If you want to create a new package to use for gift cards only, you can set it to "out for sale" and "private" and exclude the product display group.. Then the package won't be visible on the platform.

1. Set up the gift card

Click "create a gift card".
Enter a title, subtitle and a description. It is important to specify what is you are giving away and what is included in the gift card. For example: "Give away unlimited access to all content and upcoming live broadcasts for 3 months! The recipient will have access for 3 months after activation of the Christmas card." If the gift card is connected to a subscription you could specify that the recipient is signing up to the subscription.

2. Amount and period of validity

Enter the price of the gift card and for how long the gift card is valid to redeem after purchase.

3. Product display groups and connected product

Choose a product display group where you would like to display your gift card. Also add what products the gift card will be connected to.
The product display group is making your gift card visible on a page on your platform.

4. Cycles

Did you choose a subscription as a product you need to set the amount of cycles the gift card should contain. For example: 3 cycles for a monthly subscription = 3 months. Click "Create gift card".

Preview of a gift card together with other products

Read more about gift cards.

Updated on: 05/12/2023

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