Articles on: Platform Design - CMS

Content Row

A content row is used to structure your content on the platform, and can show livestreams or videos. A content row can be sorted on a collection, channel, category or tag and is used to sort your content on the platform.

Read more about how you could structure your platform:

How you can use a content row

Sort the content row on a collection. Which means that it will show all content that is uploaded to the channels that are included to that collection. For example if you would like to show all livestreams from a league or a bigger event.
Sort a content row on one channel or multiple channels. This could be used for showing all streams or videos from a team, a course or a competition. You are also able to include all categories that are added to that channels in the same content row. For example: highlights, interviews, summary.
Sort on a category if you would like to only show a smaller part of your content. You can sort on one category at a time from a channel. For example an age group, highlights, interviews.
Sort on a tag. Tags can be added to a livestream or video and you are able to sort a content row on tags from the whole platform, tags does not have to be connected to a specific channel. The tags are not listed in dashboard so the only way to see them is by editing a livestream/video.

In dashboard, go to "platform - manage platform" to enter there CMS where you can add a content row on any subpage.

How to add a content row to a page in the CMS

Enter the page you would like to add it to.
Press the button "add new section" the the bottom left corner.
Choose the content row in the section "content". Add press "add".

When a content row is added you will see it displayed at the bottom of your components to the left. All components can be clicked and dragged to change the order of them. You can also press the bin to the right of the component to remove it from the page.

Edit a content row

Click on the content row to edit the settings of it and decide what it should be displaying. By default it will show videos from a collection.
In the content tab you decide what the content row will display.

What group of content - set if you would like to display livestreams or videos.

What type of content - set where you would like to get your content from dashboard. A collection, channel, category or tag.

Select the channel, collection or category you would like to use. Tags are selected from channels: set the channels you would like to use the tag from and then write your tag.

When you have sorted your content row. Press update.

Set a name for the content row

In the section "title" you can set a custom name of your choice to the content row that will be visible above the content row on the platform.

Save and publish

Press "Save section" at the bottom left to save your changes and get a preview to the right.

If you are happy with your changes press "Publish" to make them live on the platform. You could also press "Discard" to delete all your changes after last time you published.

Updated on: 05/10/2023

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