Campaigns - Live or Video
For both livestreams and video content you can add one or several campaign clips, before or after the main content. E.g for advertising.
From dashboard click on Content - Campaigns
*Press Create new campaign-button in order to name the campaign, set a name and the channel it should be included in.

Your campaign will be shown in the overview
After the campaign is created, you add the video/promotional clip that the campaign will contain. You can upload several videos to your campaign, but not all of them will be automatically added to the campaign, this is done in step 3 below.
Press the Upload new video, add the name of the video, the channel where to link it and upload the file.
Maximum file limit is 32MB, and the file format should be either .mp4 or .mov
The campaign clip will then show up in the overview
Click on the campaign you created. Here you have the option to add the videos you want to be included in your campaign.
In “clips active in the campaign”, you can see if you have any added clips.
in other campaign clips, you will find the videos that you have uploaded linked to your channel.
To add a video to your campaign, click on the + sign to the left of your video.
In your campaign, you can add one or more clips and also decide the order in which they will be played. To change the order of the videos, click on the “change order” button and then click on the clips to change. Then press** save.**
You also have the option to remove a video clip from the campaign by clicking on the trash can to the right of the clip.

Now your campaign is prepared, the next step is to add your campaign to your content. You have the option to add the campaign to individual live broadcasts or videos to your channel or add the campaign to all content on the channel.
Select your live broadcast or video clip in the dashboard under content and press edit.
Go to step 3 “options & settings”.
Under the heading advertising, select your campaign.
Press continue and save the live broadcast/video clip.
The campaign is now added.

If you wish to have the same campaign added to all content on a channel, you can add the campaign under content-channel.
Select the channel to which the campaign should be added
In default campaign for content, select the campaign you want to be added to the channel. Here you can choose from all campaigns created on the platform.
Under default campaign modes, select whether the campaign should appear on all content on the channel or only live feeds or videos.
Press update channel.
Now the campaign you have selected for the channel will automatically play on the content that is posted. This means you don't have to manually go in and edit a live broadcast or videos one by one.

From dashboard click on Content - Campaigns
1. Create new campaign
*Press Create new campaign-button in order to name the campaign, set a name and the channel it should be included in.

Your campaign will be shown in the overview
2. Upload videos (campaign clips)
After the campaign is created, you add the video/promotional clip that the campaign will contain. You can upload several videos to your campaign, but not all of them will be automatically added to the campaign, this is done in step 3 below.
Press the Upload new video, add the name of the video, the channel where to link it and upload the file.
Maximum file limit is 32MB, and the file format should be either .mp4 or .mov
The campaign clip will then show up in the overview
3. Add the video(s) to the campaign.
Click on the campaign you created. Here you have the option to add the videos you want to be included in your campaign.
In “clips active in the campaign”, you can see if you have any added clips.
in other campaign clips, you will find the videos that you have uploaded linked to your channel.
To add a video to your campaign, click on the + sign to the left of your video.
In your campaign, you can add one or more clips and also decide the order in which they will be played. To change the order of the videos, click on the “change order” button and then click on the clips to change. Then press** save.**
You also have the option to remove a video clip from the campaign by clicking on the trash can to the right of the clip.

4. Add the campaign to your content - livestreams or videos.
Now your campaign is prepared, the next step is to add your campaign to your content. You have the option to add the campaign to individual live broadcasts or videos to your channel or add the campaign to all content on the channel.
Live broadcast or video
Select your live broadcast or video clip in the dashboard under content and press edit.
Go to step 3 “options & settings”.
Under the heading advertising, select your campaign.
Press continue and save the live broadcast/video clip.
The campaign is now added.

If you wish to have the same campaign added to all content on a channel, you can add the campaign under content-channel.
Select the channel to which the campaign should be added
In default campaign for content, select the campaign you want to be added to the channel. Here you can choose from all campaigns created on the platform.
Under default campaign modes, select whether the campaign should appear on all content on the channel or only live feeds or videos.
Press update channel.
Now the campaign you have selected for the channel will automatically play on the content that is posted. This means you don't have to manually go in and edit a live broadcast or videos one by one.

Updated on: 07/02/2025
Thank you!