Archived Livestreams
Livestreams become archived once they have ended. If the stream ended due to time running out or accidentally, you can bring the livestream back.
To view your archived livestreams, go to the “content” section in dashboard and click on "livestreams". From there, select the "archive" button, which will display a list of all your archived livestreams. You can choose the one you want to bring back or view information and statistics about it.

When you press the archived livestream you will see a message that the stream has ended. You will also see a graph of how the stream health looked during the stream.

Under the stream health you will see a menu. Press “edit”.

If you want to bring an ended livestream back from the archive, you need to first change the end time. This is because you can't change the start time to a time that is after the stream has ended.
By changing the end time, you can set the start time to be live immediately, down to the exact minute if desired.

When you are done with your changes just press “save livestream”.
To view your archived livestreams, go to the “content” section in dashboard and click on "livestreams". From there, select the "archive" button, which will display a list of all your archived livestreams. You can choose the one you want to bring back or view information and statistics about it.

When you press the archived livestream you will see a message that the stream has ended. You will also see a graph of how the stream health looked during the stream.

2. Bring back an ended livestream
Under the stream health you will see a menu. Press “edit”.

If you want to bring an ended livestream back from the archive, you need to first change the end time. This is because you can't change the start time to a time that is after the stream has ended.
By changing the end time, you can set the start time to be live immediately, down to the exact minute if desired.

When you are done with your changes just press “save livestream”.
Updated on: 11/07/2024
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