Articles on: Analytics


In the analytics tab you are able to analyze data from your platform. To get a clear snapshot of your platform's performance we have collected a number of data points for an overview.

Data points you will see:

Gross revenue = Total amount of money, without split. You will also see a graph from day to day.
MRR = Monthly Recurring Revenue, the predictable money you should get from your subscribers
PPV Gross Revenue = Total amount of money from your PPV, without split.
Total views = Across all content on the platform
Unique visitors = Individual users who visited the content. One user = one email address.
Subscription lifetime = An average of how long the user stays as a subscriber, until the subscription is canceled and has ended.
Subscribers = Information about active, new and canceled subscribers
Churn rate = The percentage of churning subscribers compared to the total number of subscribers
Trending content = What content is the most popular content on the platform. Amount of views is views in total (not unique views).

All these numbers are from your selected period in the filter view.

Sales numbers (gross revenue) is updated once a day.
Viewing data is updated once a day (12:am Stockholm time)

Content performance

If you want to dig deeper into your views, viewers, top performing content etc, you can analyze your data in the content performance tab.

Accessible to users on a platform, collection or channel level. You need to have owner, administrator, regular user or statistician role in order to get access to the entity.


Use the filter to filter the time range you want to view. You can see data from a specific channel on your platform or if you want to follow the data from a specific country where your users are located.

The country analytics are based on the viewers IP address.

Top content

Follow what content is most popular on your platform. Filter each topic depending on the data your would like to see such as: views, unique viewers, unique devices or playing time.

You are able to export each top content if you would like to analyze all the data at the same time.

Press each top content to dig even deeper into what is the top content on that top channel for example. You are able to select a specific livestream/video and see data about that specific stream/video.

Top channels
Top content
Top countries = Press the country to see what different regions your users are located.
Player distribution = If you have app within Staylive you are able to see the breakdown between app or platform.


Here you can analyze your sales for the platform and see the gross revenue from your subscription, ppv, packages or gift cards from your selected period.

You can dig deeper into what countries you earn the most gross revenue and follow the revenue from individual products by clicking on a country in the "top countries" list.

if you are using subscriptions you are able to press a subscription in the "top subscriptions" tab, to get more data about that specific subscription such as active subscribers, churn rate and gross revenue.

The sales and gross revenue can only be seen by platform owners.

Website data

Analyze data from your platform visitors. Read more about website data here.

Accessible for users with a platform level role of owner, administrator, regular user or statistician.

Cancellation reasons

Gain insights into subscriber cancellations and uncover opportunities to enhance user retention.

The reasons are default, but can be changed in the platform tab - cancellation settings.

Accessible for users with a platform level role of owner, administrator, regular user or statistician.


Here you will see all your viewers on the platform. You are counted as a viewer when you have watched something for at least 1 minute.

Accessible for users with a platform, collection or channel level role of owner or an administrator.

Updated on: 22/11/2024

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