Articles on: Analytics

Advanced Website Data

The advanced website data provides highly-detailed analytics of your platform's performance, including additional metrics that aren't available in the regular "Website Data" section.

Get access to the advanced website data by navigating to the "Analytics" section in the dashboard, then navigating to the "Website Data" section, then clicking the "Advanced" button near the top-right of your screen. This is accessible on a platform level, by users with the following roles: Owners, admins, statisticians and regular users.

Website data is privacy-friendly. For instance, "Unique Visitors" represents the number of people who visited your platform. We respect privacy by not using cookies or persistent identifiers. This means if a person visits from multiple devices or on different days, they are counted separately.


First you get a graph with an overview of unique visitors, total visits, total page views, views per visit, bounce rate and visit duration. There are various ways that you can filter the data shown in this graph:
You can filter on specific dates and date ranges using the dropdown list.
You can filter on specific pages, user locations, website browsers and more by clicking on the "filter" button.
You can compare two periods by clicking on the dropdown list, then "compare" at the bottom of this list.

Any filters that you select here apply to the data shown in the graph, as well as to all the data shown below for Top Sources, Top Pages, Locations, Devices and Goal Conversions.

You can hover your cursor over the graph to view more information about each specific data point, and you can click on the graph to view a sub-graph for that month/day. Doing this will also apply this monthly/daily date range to all the analytics data on the page.


Top Sources

This shows the sources (typically websites or applications) from which visitors are most frequently arriving on your platform. Click on "Details" to view the full list, including the bounce rate and visit duration for each source.

If you have used UTM codes in any URLs linking to you platform, our analytics tool will automatically track of all this data and you will be able to view the top sources by UTM medium, UTM source, UTM campaign, UTM content or UTM term by using the "campaign" dropdown list.

Top Pages

This shows the subpages on your platform that have had the highest number of visitors. Click on "Details" to view the full list, including the page views, bounce rate and time on page for each page.

You can also view "Entry Pages", which shows the pages with the highest number of unique entrances (clicking on "Details" also shows total entrances and visit duration), or "Exit Pages", which shows the pages the highest number of unique exits (clicking on "Details" also shows total exits and exit rate).


This shows the countries from which visitors are accessing your platform (countries that are highlighted darker on the map represent a larger percentage of visitors). You can also view this by region or city. Click on "Details" to view the full list.


This shows the website browsers on which visitors are most frequently accessing your platform. You can also view this by operating system (OS) or device size. Click on "Details" to view the full list, including bounce rate and visit duration.

For any of these sources/pages/locations/browsers etc., you can click on any individual row (e.g. "Facebook" as a source) and this will apply a filter using this metric to all the analytics data on the page.

Goal Conversions

By default this section will not contain any data. The process for setting up goal conversions is a bit tricky if it's not something that you are already familiar with. If this is something that you would like to setup for your platform, please reach out to and we can discuss your needs and provide more information about this.

Alternatively, if you are using Google Analytics 4 (GA4) for your platform and you are familiar with both GA4 and Google Tag Manager (GTM), then you can use GTM to set up and track goal conversions in your GA4 dashboard. In GA4 you have more control to manage this yourself, however it is more complicated for us to help you in this process.

You should be able to manage this process by using our marketing integrations in the dashboard (navigate to the "Platform" section in the dashboard, then to the "Marketing Integrations" section), in order to connect and use your own GA4, and optionally GTM. If you connect GTM and manage everything through this, including setting it up so that GTM reports to GA4, then you don’t have to connect GA4 in our marketing integrations.

The website data in our dashboard won't affect current or future connections with Google Analytics, as the process for this data tracking happens independently. Please note however that Google Analytics might measure some metrics differently, resulting in conflicting numbers between the two systems.

Updated on: 08/10/2024

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