Articles on: Newsfeed

About the newsfeed

About the newsfeed

Newsfeeds is a way for a platform to communicate in text, images, video and embeds. Each newsfeed contains one or many articles, which can individually be locked behind a paywall to create premium content.

Please note that newsfeed is a part of the StayLive Marketplace, which needs to be enabled for your platform. Reach out to us if you are interested in activating Newsfeed onto your platform.

Article modes

Each platform can have one or many newsfeeds. A newsfeed can contain zero or many articles. Each article can be individually locked, using the following modes:

Free for everyone
Only for subscribers
Free until X, then locked behind subscription

Free for everyone

This means the article is free to read for anyone trying to access it. It does not require the user to be signed in, in order to read it.

Subscribers only

This means the article body is only available to the users having a subscription or a package which is referenced as eligible to read the articles in the current newsfeed which the article relates to. The user can still access the headline and the lead, but is not able to access the body of the article.

Free until

This means that the article is free for everyone to read until X, where X is a Datetime. When reaching the X, the article is locked as in the Subscribers only mode.


Each newsfeed can but must not have a reference towards a subscription or package. This means that when the mode of the article in that specific newsfeed is either Subscribers only or Free until X, then locked behind subscription, the referenced packages and subscriptions is what controls access to those articles. If no references is set, and the mode is Subscribers only, the article will not be accessible to anyone.

Newsfeeds on the Platform

At the platform, there is the Newsfeed component which list all articles in a specific newsfeed. The fields shown to the user, no matter if the article is locked or not is:
Lead (optional field)
Publish date

Conditional fields not shown for all users are:
Body (conditional if article is locked)
Created at (only editors)
mode_data (Information in certain modes, like a date if the article mode is FREE_UNTIL)

Updated on: 27/03/2024

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